
Name: Iton Bluebird
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Gender: Male
Height: 6' (182cm)
Weight: 170lbs (77kg)
Hair: Black
Skin colour: Tan
Age: 18

Iton is a lean tall and exceptionally fit young man. His arms are firm, his chest is well defined and has chiselled abs.

His face is rectangular with a well sculpted square jaw line. He has wide-set large sky blue eyes, sitting below thick black eye brows that seem to curve as a natural extension of his broad, rounded nose. His nose hangs over his wide mouth which is usually in a big smile.

His hair is dark black with the left side cut short tucking behind his ear and the right messy and long covering his ear.

His equipment is mainly second hand stuff given to him by his father. His casual clothes are comprised of rough black pants tucked into big brown boots and worn out white shirts that have started to darken from being worn so many times. Around his waist he wears a brown bear hide belt with a small bird engraved in the buckle, usually holding his two hand axes by his side.
His armour is comprised of scale mail that is made with black leather. He also wears worn out gauntlets with many marks from blades and claws on them. He easily carries a shield and longsword strapped to his back as if they were weightless.


Name: Keeda
Race: Half-Orc
Class: Tempest Cleric
Gender: Female
Height: 5'11" (180cm)
Weight: 190 (86kg)
Hair: Red with a white streak at the front
Skin colour: Grey
Age: 16

Keeda stands just shy of six feet tall, and while she doesn't look all that too bulky despite her curves, she does have a well defined musculature that leaves no doubt that her physique isn't just for show.

She has a slightly rounded face with a button nose and elongated pointy ears, with amber eyes that always seem to be flicking from corner to corner, either looking for danger, valuables, or both. Her size and ears aren't the most pointed evidence of her orcish heritage, that belongs to her grey skin that has the ever-so-slightest of a greenish hue, almost missable even in the right light.

Her hair is a vibrant, flaming red that she keeps long though tied up in a pony tail behind her, her bangs braided on either side of her face, and decorated with fanciful, pretty baubles that she "finds". She has a streak of silver locks from where she was struck by lightning (twice) that she doesn't tie back or braid, believing that the silver hairs were given to her by the "Noisy Sky God" and that she should never have them cut or bound lest she lose her divine connection.

Her equipment is a haphazard collection of bits and pieces she has acquired over the years, sometimes even legitimately. Her casual clothing consists of dark colours, her unusual size for women's clothing not giving her the best choices available. Some of her pieces needed to be modified in order to even fit her body shape. Her boots are of good make and quality, a heavy pair of men's jack boots that she was able to purchase from the hang man once upon a time, and still show no sign of wear.
Her armor is a suit of chain mail, custom made for her, that she keeps clean and free of rust and filth. It cost her a small fortune to have it made to her specifications, costing her gold that she could have otherwise used to better effect.
She easily carries a great two handed sword strapped to her back, one that looks just as imposing as the young woman herself. she has wrapped an amulet shaped in the form of a thunderbolt with wings around the hilt of the sword, believing it to have some sort of connection to the Noisy Sky God, one that she can channel her new-found powers through, despite the symbol being nothing more than the first bauble she found that depicted a lightning bolt.

Around her neck she wears a necklace of a pair of boar tusks, her ears are pierced and she wears a wide array of decorative jewelry. And having been envious of the rich merchants of the town in their fancy animal pelt cloaks, has commissioned a bear cloak for herself that will clasp around her shoulders by the bear's arms, the head acting as a hood when needed.


Name: Percephony
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Wild Sorcerer
Gender: Female
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Hair: From left to right: Purple / Grey feathers / Orange
Skin colour: White
Age: 25


Somewhat tall and lean, Percephony is as feminine, graceful and delicate as Half-Elves could be. Rarely removing her hood, she chooses to hide underneath it, although her traits make her fairly attractive.

Staying with a group and not being hooded indicates that Percephony begins to trust those around her, but this takes some time and the right set of people to happen. Those who see her clearly will likely never forget her looks. There are three segments of hair on her head. On the left side she has bright purple hair flowing down to her shoulder, the midsection of her head is covered with grey feathers, moving in three rolls towards the back of her neck and on the right side her hair is orange, mimicking the purple side when it comes to looks and length. 

Her eyes are also of different color. One brown and the other green. This gives her gaze a particularly effective tool, when it comes to persuading people, especially men. Moving down to her lips, it's easy to spot that her right canine tooth is quite a bit longer than the other, sticking out of her mouth a bit when she talks. 

This awkward look was something she developed over years of casting spells and going through hardships for it. Even as a child she quickly learned that each of her spells had the potential to backfire, or trigger some other, unforeseen magical effect. Most of those were harmless, but a few weren't, while the rest changed different aspects of her. She didn't mind much, but it was a pain when trying to sneak around cities.

Percephony tries to avoid physical activities as much as possible, she relies mostly on her intuition, people skill and magic to get out of a hairy situation. Armor is most troublesome for her, too heavy and hard to move around a crowded city street with. She wears simple cloths and always has her mantle on. This helps her blend in as much as possible. Weapons are crude and barbaric to her, although she packs a dagger, just in case things get real messy and slinging fire bolts doesn't help.


Name: Quynn Mori
Race: Wood Elf
Class: Monk
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 165 lb
Hair: Brown
Skin color: White
Age: 27


Name: Falone Meredon
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Bard
Gender: Male
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 65 Kg
Hair: Blonde
Skin colour: White
Age: 45

Falone is a short man who, at least in human terms, looks to be in his prime. His pointed ears give away his heritage,and he typically leaves his hair hanging, to disguise them. He has a pointed, slim face and high cheek bones which hint at his heritage, but normally he passes this off as noble blood (Falone's favourite story is that his mother caught the eye of a passing noble).

Outwardly, Falone has a face that seems used to smiling, and his first response when approaching someone is to crack a grin, and spit out a few words in their native language.

Falone has well muscled shoulders from his years spent on merchant ships, and walks with a slight bow-legged stance, due to his time on the high seas.

Most of Falone's equipment is well worn, and his chain shirt still sports flecks of rust which, try has he might, refuse to come out. His clothes are rough and covered with patches, and bear the marks of salt damage. He has a high quality leather belt around his waist with a gem encrusted rapier hanging from it. To anyone who asks, it's the rapier Captain Blakduken wore when he was terrorising the coasts.

Around Falone's neck hangs a small whistle made from gold coloured wood.

Let me ask you this. In this land of rumor and tall tales, exotic history and war. Who will you be?